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A more joyful &
just world exists.

And we get to co-create it!

My work aims to cultivate the creativity, courage, and power to do so.


Through coaching, learning design, facilitation, and photography my hope is to support leaders and communities who reimagine the world where all can thrive.


Let’s create together!

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Rebecca sees me. All of me. And she holds a mirror, inviting me to see myself and know that all the parts of me are welcome and can find expression.

Trizah Gakwa

Africa Regional Director,

Freely in Hope

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Kenya needs what Metis is doing, and we need more visionary and entrepreneurial leaders like Rebecca to keep our country moving forward. If she can do it, we all can.

Mukhtar Ogle

Head of Strategic Initiatives,

Office of the President 


Rebecca is a giver. As my coach she shared her mind, networks, and wisdom with me. I am better for it. Children in Freedom Schools is better for it. Kenya is better for it.

Dr. Utheri Kiragu-Kanayo

Founder of Kenya’s first

Afrocentric school

Are we brave enough to imagine beyond the boundaries of 'the real' & do the hard work of sculpting reality from our dreams?

adrienne marie brown

Let's collaborate!

Thanks for connecting!

This website is an (imperfect! evolving!) expression of the current constellation of my work. It is made and shared with love, vulnerability, levity, and a hope that it will be a work in progress as things emerge in real-time. Thanks for being here.

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